Full Deck Flip

Take a deck of cards, shuffle. Face cards are 10, Aces are 11, numbered cards as valued. Flip each card and perform the movement…

UNO Fitness

Take a deck of cards and give them a good shuffle. Face cards are worth ten reps, aces are 11 reps and numbered cards as valid. Flip each card and per…

Spring Carnival Racing

All participants start on the starting line as if they were in the starting gates at the beginning of a horse race

Fast & Fun Famous Faces

This game can be used for any topics or subjects you teach. Use the same game mechanics mentioned above but change the topic from famous faces to musc…

Creative Dice Connection Starter

We have designed this activity to build connections and relationships as a new group. Each player will roll their dice four times to select a random n…

Looking Back Looking Forward

Goal setting is a skill and practice that everyone can use each year. It is essential to reflect on things you are proud of, grateful for and apprecia…

Deck of Cards Racing

The trainer or instructor has the rest of the cards randomly shuffled. They start the race by selecting a card from the deck. Whichever suit it is, mo…

Get Into It – Jugar Life

Today you will put together your own JAG bag. What things in your life give you joy, affection or gratitude? Think of all the photos, letters, texts,…

Get Calling – Jugar Life

In a world ruled by text and messaging apps, we often miss out on voice contact. According to recent studies, a large percentage of elementary student…