Four Quadrant Fun

Four quadrant fun is a fantastic team building activity that will encourage participants to share personal information by drawing for the group
Game type: Building relationships, Team building, Wellbeing
Ages: Seven - twelve, Thirteen and above
Game length: 10 - 20 minutes, 20 - 45 minutes
Game category: Team building games
Required equipment: Printed PDF


Four quadrant fun is a fantastic team building activity that will encourage participants to share personal information by drawing for the group. It is an excellent activity for any class, workplace or sporting team to do as a group.

Here are the steps you will need to implement to run this excellent team-building activity. Before you start, each participant will need a pen and a piece of paper that they split into four even boxes.

When each participant has split their page into for even quadrants, it’s time to give them the four questions. Each participant will set between 4 – 8 minutes to draw the responses to the questions below. The one rule is that they are not to use writing to answer the questions; this is why we allow quite a bit of time.

Here are the four questions that you will ask as the instructor that the participants need to draw pictures for their responses:

1. What do you bring to the group?

  1. What do you need from the group?
  2. What is your favourite hobby or activity outside of school or work?
  3. What is your vision for this group or vision for this year?

Once all participants have answered the four questions with drawings depending on the time you can get them to go around the circle and share their images with the entire group, or you can place them in small groups of three or four where they share their answers like this.

Once this the drawings are completed, we love to get everyone’s images and stick them on the wall or in a particular area so that people can remember their vision and what they bring to the group.


You could also have participants build their answers out of pipe cleaners, play dough, Lego or anything you can get your hands on. Creating something out of Lego or making a shape with pipe cleaners is fun. It also eliminates it when participants say “I can’t draw” stress reaction from people. It also encourages participants to be super creative and play, which is a massive win for any team building session.

To see the video instructions and download the game PDF, you’ll need to sign up for a FREE membership. Click here to sign up now!

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