Secret Shopper

Secret shoppers go into stores, restaurants or shops and notice everything that happens. How they are treated, the customer service. Their mission is …

Paper Scissor Rock Split

The game typically consists of multiple rounds until one player splits so much he loses his balance and falls. The winner of the game is the player wh…

Bam Bam Bam

Create a circle and have everyone put their fists in the centre. This game works best in groups of five players. Then, on the count of three, everyone…

Positive Praise Tag

Overall, positive praise tag is a fun and interactive way to encourage communication and physical activity among players of all ages. Have fun playing…

Plank, Push-Up, Bang

If you’re looking for a way to make fitness fun, build connections and improve your numeracy skills, look no further than plank, push-up, bang.

Running Dice

This activity can be played in pairs or teams of 3 - 4. It’s a great activity where everyone can work together with the aim of completing as many ro…

UNO Fitness

Take a deck of cards and give them a good shuffle. Face cards are worth ten reps, aces are 11 reps and numbered cards as valid. Flip each card and per…

Spring Carnival Racing

All participants start on the starting line as if they were in the starting gates at the beginning of a horse race

Funny face mean face

This is a modified version from a game I learned from Mike Kuczala after having him on our Energetic Radio podcast episode 148

One, Two, Three

This game has been taken from Ryan Ellis at the PE Umbrella and modified it to have a fitness aspect to the icebreaker warm up