Checkers Fitness

This is a fantastic team games. Split the group you have into four even teams. Each team will have three markers on the checkers board

Cluedo Murder Mystery

Based loosely around the board game “Cluedo”, this fitness/sport version of the game is sure to engage athletes and get them working hard in the p…

Deal or No Deal

Split the group into two even teams. Set up a whiteboard with 26 little cases (envelopes) stuck on it

Family Feud

Family Feud is based on the popular TV Show that people all over the globe love. It is a fantastic team game that participants of all ages will really…

Game of Risk

Just like the world domination game ‘Risk’ the idea of this game is to take over the fitness world


Small exercise station lotto cards (available from local Hotel), lotto bag for exercises, small balls (ping pong balls) white board and marker

Mobile Phone Fitness

The idea of this game is for people to work through the stations that correspond with certain phone numbers

Monopoly Equipment Game

Fitness monopoly is played in pairs; the aim is to move around the large circuit board as many times as possible

Monopoly Body Weight Game

Fitness monopoly is played in pairs; the aim is to move around the large circuit board as many times as possible