Area Dice Challenge

Two Participants per game card, each participant receives 2 six sided dice, two different coloured markers and a printed game grid -PDF attached below

Angry Birds Connect Four

This game requires two six-sided dice and participants to have one printed game card and markers between them. Just like a regular game of connect fou…

Dice Ladder

Before you start dice ladder, you will need two six-sided dice for each player, pair or each team

Hit Your Budget Challenge

Before you start this fun team challenge, you will need to make sure each player has one six-sided dice each and an interval timer set up for one minu…

The Wedding Guest List

Selecting the wedding list for your big day is always a tricky and challenging process. We have created a fun dice game that allows you to try and bui…

Dice Dots

Dice dots is a simple game, suited for participants of all ages. We have also created a blank copy for you so that you can use this with any topics, s…

Wheel Of Fortune

As the name suggests this game is based around the TV game show ‘Wheel of fortune’

Rock Around The Clock

All participants begin at 12 o’clock. The objective is to be the quickest to complete a “day” by working around the clock twice which simulates …