The Wedding Guest List

Selecting the wedding list for your big day is always a tricky and challenging process. We have created a fun dice game that allows you to try and bui…

Pick The Hand Warm-Up

Today's warm-up game can be played virtually as Dale has demonstrated in the video, or in-person with a group of participants


Evolution is a variation on rock, paper, scissors. Everyone in this game starts as an egg and makes a funny noise

Hoppo Boppo

This game is best played outside in an open space. In your pairs crouch down till you’re squatting facing your partner, with your hands out and your…

Snap Crackle & Pop

Students find themselves a spot in the classroom and squat down. The teacher talks to the students through this exercise

Swish Boing

Class starts the activity by all standing in a circle facing inward. This can be played inside or outside

The Bends

In a pair you must stand facing your partner, holding their hands and standing on one leg. On the count of three, one partner will attempt to try and …

Toe Touche

Class will form pairs. Each pair will start facing away from each other. On the count of three, they turn around and try and stand on their opponent 

Back To Front Tag

Back to front tag is best played outside in a large open area. The game starts with the teacher picking one student who is ‘it’. The rest of the s…

Balance Tag

The game starts with students placing a beanbag on their heads and balancing it without using their hands. The teacher then picks one student to be th…