Collect the Cones

This circuit will require you to print out (or write in permanent marker) some of the station ideas and stick them under cones. You can have as many c…

Count the Wedges

It is named a ‘wedge’ activity because in between stations, they complete an exercise in ever increasing reps to match the amount of stations they…

Draw a Card

Set up 6 stations in a line about 20m apart. Get all the participants in groups of 2-4 and they line up at the start line

Lucky 7’s Circuit

Pick 7 different exercises for this circuit with a combination of bodyweight and equipment exercises

Max Out Decathlon

As the name suggests, in this circuit the participants will complete ten events and they will complete maximal efforts on each station and record thei…

Whats The Time Mr Wolf?

Set up 12 stations in a circle about 15 metres apart like a big clock. Participants space themselves out evenly around each hour of the clock with at …

KPI Circuit

The main purpose of this circuit is to meet key performance indicators (KPI’s) over ten different exercises


During this circuit, the clients will work their way through a number of exercises in pyramid format

Tic Tac Toe Circuit

Set up your area into nine squares with a 10-metre perimeter around each square. Within each of the nine squares is a circuit that the teams need to c…

Circuit eBook

Inside this ebook: Lucky 7’s KPI circuit Pyramids Centurion pairs workout 4 round burn circuit session Tic tac toe (naughts and crosses) Circle work circuit…