Ducky Duck

Students form a circle. One word per student is spoken, going clockwise

Everybody Up

Sit on the floor in pairs facing each other. Each pair is to hold hands and try and stand up without using anything to assist them in getting up other…

40/40 Home

This game is best played outside in an open space where the students can find good hiding places. The hula -hoop and soccer ball are set up in the mid…

Capture The Flag

Players are split into two teams. The oval is divided into two halves, with a line of cones separating both teams

Dice Cricket

This game is played in pairs, and all pairs will need a dice and paper to score

Alphabet Fitness

To begin, you will need to print out the attached sheets with the exercises for each letter, or you will need to write these up on a whiteboard for pa…

Balls Gone Mad

Balls gone mad is a fantastic 45-minute group fitness session that’s designed for clients to work in pairs


The game is played for two lots of 10 minutes. Players have to complete as many rounds as possible in each 10-minute time frame


This is a fantastic activity to use when you can create teams. Use the attached bingo boards, print them out and laminate them for clients to use, pri…

Checkers Fitness

This is a fantastic team games. Split the group you have into four even teams. Each team will have three markers on the checkers board